Why do we support this?
Alin & Hedenlund has worked actively over the past 20 years to make a difference. Over the past decade, we have been supporting to a
Alin & Hedenlund has worked actively over the past 20 years to make a difference. Over the past decade, we have been supporting to a
In conjunction with the report Homeless 2020, Sweden’s Statsmissionen presented a strategy to combat homelessness, which they hope will get politicians’ attention.
Last week, an agreement in principle on rent in Stockholm was announced. The state’s three public utility companies and Hyresgästföreningen (The Tenants’ Association) have agreed
On October 1, 2019, tougher rules against black market trading of rental contracts and illegal subletting come into force. Among other things, the new rules
The ongoing debate on the importance of tenancy rights is good news for a well-functioning housing market. But it is time to dispel a number
TT reports that more and more condo owners are finding it difficult to pay their association fees. In March, the number of unpaid April fees
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114 84 Stockholm
Box 5412
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